Street Posters for Amnesty International

In preparation for a human rights rally held in our nation's capital on Saturday, January 11th, 2020, Amnesty International enlisted the help of GoGORILLA Media to spread the word about a prisoner being held without charge at Guantanamo Bay. Bright orange posters were placed on utility poles lining the sidewalks throughout Washington D.C., including around the White House, where the rally took place, as well as near the Washington Monument, and the Capitol. The street posters informed viewers that Toffiq al-Bihani has remained imprisoned indefinitely, without trial, despite being cleared for transfer in 2010, and encouraged passersby to take action to call on our nation's leaders to close Guantanamo Bay. In addition, GoGORILLA provided poster removal services a few days after the rally took place.

Alan Wolan